Outside the GW bubble there's a whole world of exciting new games, this one in particular has really piqued my interest. The miniatures look fantastic, the gameplay is classic Jake Thornton; easy to learn hard to master, and the raft of exclusives already available in the Kickstarter campaign are mouthwatering. This still has 2 and half weeks to run and I expect it to reach 800K plus.
Best of all you'll be getting season 1 in December, so how about finding this under the tree on Christmas day?
The mins alone are worth the $150 pledge, but you can also jump on board for $30 and get the rules as a pdf download and a team of your choosing. That's one sweet deal. Below are some of the unlocked mins already included in the Striker set... except the Goalie, he's an additional cost but the Goalie bundle gets you 4 diff models for $15, that's £2.35 each in real money ;p
check out the full details at http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1744629938/dreadball-the-futuristic-sports-game?ref=live
Best of all you'll be getting season 1 in December, so how about finding this under the tree on Christmas day?
The mins alone are worth the $150 pledge, but you can also jump on board for $30 and get the rules as a pdf download and a team of your choosing. That's one sweet deal. Below are some of the unlocked mins already included in the Striker set... except the Goalie, he's an additional cost but the Goalie bundle gets you 4 diff models for $15, that's £2.35 each in real money ;p
check out the full details at http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1744629938/dreadball-the-futuristic-sports-game?ref=live
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